I really don’t want to write this entry… but I must. I was so excited over last week’s loss and guess I really blew it. I tracked through Friday, but let it go after that. Bad mistake. I’d like to say my body was retaining water, or I was attacked by gorilla’s and had horrific swelling… or some other legitimate (or not-so legitimate) excuse, but I can’t seem to come up with anything believable.
So to get this over with… you probably guessed it… I had a gain. A 3.8 lb gain. Ouch. That hurt. Mostly my pride… Still, it smarts.
So last week, my dear cuz asked me whether or not I exercise as part of my weight loss plan. Well, if good intentions were worth anything, I could count that… but the honest to goodness truth is that I do not regularly exercise. That is the beauty of Weight Watchers… no exercise required. Trust me, they regularly talk about it and encourage it, but it is not required. I know of one lady that lost 100 lbs without exercising.
Now here’s the “facts” according to me, myself, and I:
- I’d probably lose faster if I exercised
- I’d most likely tone up better if I exercised
- I’d probably sleep better
So why don’t I exercise? There’s a combination of excuses – which do you want to hear today? Too tired? Not enough time? It’s cloudy out… I can’t walk unless the sun is shining. Oh wait, I guess it shines every day. Scratch that excuse.
People that exercise as a part of their daily life amaze me. Seriously – they must have won the lottery in exercise gene’s. I admire them and I wish I had that stamina in me. The last time I got up at 6:00 AM and worked out, my metabolism actually worked. Shocking, huh? No kidding… I’d bet money that I ate that 100 calories that I burnt off several times over that day. I need to give it another try and drink something hot to stave off that hungry feeling.
So what is your experience? Does exercise help your weight loss?