Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I need an NSV...

I really don’t want to write this entry… but I must.  I was so excited over last week’s loss and guess I really blew it.  I tracked through Friday, but let it go after that.  Bad mistake.  I’d like to say my body was retaining water, or I was attacked by gorilla’s and had horrific swelling…  or some other legitimate (or not-so legitimate) excuse, but I can’t seem to come up with anything believable.

So to get this over with… you probably guessed it… I had a gain.  A 3.8 lb gain.  Ouch.  That hurt.  Mostly my pride…  Still, it smarts.

I decided I needed to focus on some NSV’s this week.  Below is a before/after collage.  The picture on the left was taken the day after my 30th birthday.  It’s not the most flattering picture, of course, but full length and brutally honest.  The picture on the right was today… 21.2 lbs lighter… I’m smiling.  That’s a good thing.  No one wants to post a public blog about their gain.  You'll notice both pictures are slightly tilted... it's a cool effect available through Picnik and hopefully it makes me look even skinnier...

So last week, my dear cuz asked me whether or not I exercise as part of my weight loss plan.  Well, if good intentions were worth anything, I could count that… but the honest to goodness truth is that I do not regularly exercise.  That is the beauty of Weight Watchers… no exercise required.  Trust me, they regularly talk about it and encourage it, but it is not required.  I know of one lady that lost 100 lbs without exercising. 

Now here’s the “facts” according to me, myself, and I:
  • I’d probably lose faster if I exercised
  • I’d most likely tone up better if I exercised
  • I’d probably sleep better

So why don’t I exercise?  There’s a combination of excuses – which do you want to hear today?  Too tired?  Not enough time?  It’s cloudy out… I can’t walk unless the sun is shining.  Oh wait, I guess it shines every day.  Scratch that excuse. 

People that exercise as a part of their daily life amaze me.  Seriously – they must have won the lottery in exercise gene’s.  I admire them and I wish I had that stamina in me.  The last time I got up at 6:00 AM and worked out, my metabolism actually worked.  Shocking, huh?  No kidding… I’d bet money that I ate that 100 calories that I burnt off several times over that day.  I need to give it another try and drink something hot to stave off that hungry feeling. 

So what is your experience?  Does exercise help your weight loss?


Anonymous said...

Whew what a week for you but keep going! Your weight loss is really showing in your photos. WW sounds like my kinda plan. I dislike exercise a lot!

sarahrice82 said...

Everybody has a gain sometimes! You're not normal if you don't. lol You look great and I can definitely see how different you look! Keep up the good work.

About exercise, I've always hated it, too. But I'm just going to say, once you start, it's almost addictive. I started working out regularly not too long after I had Hannah, so about 6 years ago. I've had some lulls and stopped completely for awhile and I felt awful. I can't really go to a gym right now and walking just doesn't do it for me, so I do the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. It's sooooo hard, but it works so well. I've had it for a couple of years and when I do it consistently, I can tell that my body is changing. I do mine at night after everyone is in bed. I don't like any interruptions and I can't make myself get up any earlier than I do. Haha But I have to exercise to lose weight. These kids have destroyed my metabolism!

Good luck this week!