Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yes, thank you very much, I did lose!  Yeah!  1.2 lbs - goodbye forever!  That puts my  total weight loss at 22.6 lbs.  Only a tiny little .4 lbs away from hitting that 10% victory again!  In case you don't remember, you can read HERE about my gain that kicked me out from celebrating my 10%.  I WILL celebrate next week!

So while I'm at it... check this out:

How's that for kicking flat lines in the proverbial rear??  Take THAT flat line!  (If you look really close, the circle on the far right has taken a tiny little dip - but I'm still kicking the flat line!)

The topic for this weeks meeting was trying something new.  I had some chicken I needed to use up.  I decided to try out chicken spaghetti.  The only bad thing is... when I have a dutch oven FULL of spaghetti, how do you technically know how many servings that is?  I don't have a clue... if your a man, it might only be 4 servings... for me, it's probably closer to 10 servings.  So I guessed at a, hopefully, safe 8 servings... I could be way off!

Try it - you might want to cut back on the chicken broth... but hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to figure out this whole serving size and about how many calories are in what I eat. It can get tough at dinner for me since I do try to eat what everyone else does. Here is what I have been doing.

Adding up all the calories I throw into the pan from the sauces/beans/meat/etc and then I actually go through and measure to see how many cups are in the pan. So I take the total number of calories all together and then divide by the number of cups. Such as a total of 2200 calories divided by 10 cups = 220 calories per cup. Hopefully I am getting close and hopefully my method works. I know your not counting calories but just thought I would share how I am handling that situation.