Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Success - Day One!

Yesterday was a success!  By success, I mean: I stayed within my daily PointsPlus target!  Plus had one to spare.  I couldn’t tell you the last time that happened!  Plus, I met nearly all the good health guidelines.  I missed my oil servings and was shy one dairy serving.  But I remembered to take my vitamins, got in a little activity, drank the entire water requirement, and all the F/V [fruit/veggie] requirements.   Yee-haw!

I found individual serving sized bags of trail mix at Aldi last night.  It was 6 PointsPlus for the whole bag, but it was loaded with protein and fiber!  It consisted of peanuts, dried fruit, and a few white chocolate chips.  I really enjoyed the blend.  Plus, I didn’t come home from grocery shopping starving… and I had no temptation to stop for ice cream or some other fat loaded snack after shopping! 

So far so good today…  Will update more later!

PS: I loved this article from Weight Watchers: The Stuck-At-Home Workout!

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