Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend Success!

As usual, I tracked my breakfast Saturday morning - then didn't track a stinkin' thing until this morning.  I was SURE I'd over done my PointsPlus goal.  But this morning, I sat down and tracked it all.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I still had points left over!  Even though I splurged on a late night snack of Oreo's and milk.  ☺

I sneak peeked at work... which I shouldn't have done.  It seems I was very successful this week... however, I'm keeping in mind that the scales at work always weigh me less than the scales at home. I need to stick to weighing at home 'cause I'm not hurting anyone other than myself by weighing somewhere else!

On a side note - Papa Murphy's take and bake pizza - DeLite line - is relatively low in PointsPlus value!  We had the Medaterannian Chicken this weekend and it was only 5 PointsPlus per slice (pizza was cut in 8 slices).  Pretty good considering Casey's is 8-10 for a 12th of a pizza!  And I really liked the flavor! 

1 comment:

Grace said...

Great Job!
That pizza was great, I'm gonna have to make note of this... :)