Monday, September 30, 2013

Is there any such thing as fun workouts?

I don't like to workout.

There.  I said it.  I admit it.

Working out is so repetitive. It's boring.  The instructors are skinny and for goodness sakes: they're talking while their doing their fancy little moves.  And they're barely breaking a sweat, while I'm about to go into cardiac arrest and drenched from head to toe! I tried Jillian for a while but hated that DVD after about 10 days.  Every time she would say "We're all in the same boat together."  My heart rate instantly went up and I'd all but yell "NO WE'RE NOT!!!  I'M OVERWEIGHT AND YOU'RE SKINNY!!!!!!"  Ugh.  That woman got my dander up.

The reality of it all?  When you read the motivational stories... the ones that got the fat off and kept it of... well, guess how they did it?  Exercising.  Working out.  In some form or fashion.  They worked their booty's off... in every sense of the word.  Seriously.

When I've had the most success, it's because I incorporated some type of regular activity.  So I know I've got to do it again.  I know I've been walking with the boys, but honestly, I know it's not getting my heart rate up for a long enough period of time.

I'm in search of a 10 minute workout.  I can do pretty much anything for 10 minutes... I hope.  YouTube is my source for now. I'm going to try a couple... at least one a day.  If I can get one a day in, that's better than nothing, right?  Then hopefully, I can work up to more time... At least that's my intention.

Anyone have suggestions?  What are fun workouts?

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