Monday, December 2, 2013

Walking Challenge - November results and accepting December's challenge

I'm really happy to have one month of walking behind me.  I walked 15 out of 30 days (keeping in mind that Sunday's are "restore" days) and logged a total of 32 miles.  The last week was the most disappointing because I simply didn't walk.  However, I stayed at my parents which means multiple trips up and down the stairs.  And we went to Silver Dollar City two days and of course, walked a LOT!  So, over all, I feel really good about the first month!

Other progress made:

Weight loss - none.  But considering that the last four days have been vacation days - which equals four days of eating out and one lovely Thanksgiving dinner...


  • Neck - none
  • Waist - 1.5" lost
  • Hips - forgot to record my measurement at the beginning of the month! Weird.  But I am showing a 3" loss since last August!  I'll take it!
  • Bust - also forgot to record at the beginning of the month.  No loss shown yet.
Non-scale victories:
  • I'm sleeping better!
  • At SDC I was no where nearly as winded as I have been in the past.  I kept up with my hubby who is over 6' tall and has those really long legs.  I think this was a HUGE victory!!
  • I'm much more aware of what goes in my mouth!!
  • I feel so much better on the days I walk!
  • I stuck with this.  I'm terrible about starting something and not finishing it.  So it feels good to say: I did it.
Overall, this has been a very positive experience for me.  So yes, I gladly accept next month's challenge!  

Here's the updated, re-usable, monthly challenge: 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Walking Challenge - Day 12!

Wow... I can't believe I'm already 12 days into this walking challenge.  I do have a confession to make:

I'm terrible about sticking with something I start!!  Absolutely terrible. 

Even though I posted about the challenge, I really wasn't sure I'd stick with it.  And I knew it when I started it.  Still, I wanted to give it a try.  There have been a few days that I considered quitting.  I have so many excuses I could use... but by God's grace, I am sticking it out. 

To be honest, there has been NO weight loss since I started walking.  It has been very discouraging, yet I remind myself there have been two major factors that, I'm sure, have impacted my lack of loss.

1 - Hormones.  It sounds cliche, but the truth is... I've made a couple personal decisions regarding prescription meds that have wrecked havoc on my hormones.  My cycle is messed up and weird and thus... yes, hormones, has contributed.  

2 - For some reason... when you jump into an exercise program from a somewhat sedentary lifestyle, it seems to send your body into some kind of shock.  My sister, who loves researching these things, has a really good, scientific explanation for what happens.  It happened to both my sisters and myself when we all joined Weight Watchers three years ago.  We walked/exercised faithfully for weeks before it really started affecting the scale.  It is very discouraging, but I know if I can just stick it out... there will be a pay day soon!!

Another big challenge has been learning to curb my increased appetite.  When you work out and burn 500-600 calories, your body seems to think it needs food to replenish those calories. I'm still learning to curb that appetite or to fulfill that craving....

Friday, November 1, 2013

November Walking Challenge

It was back in August that I decided to get control of my weight... and since that day, I've really struggled.  I mean, really struggled.  I've only kept off 5 pounds.  I can't seem to make myself walk/exercise like I should.  It's discouraging, but I'm not giving up. 

I recently found Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's (via YouTube).  Her 15 minute mile is awesome!!  It's easy to do, requires no equipment, and is actually quite fun.  I started following Leslie's Walk At Home Facebook page where each month she posts a challenge.  I modified the November challenge slightly and posted it on the Facebook group (Ditching Plus Size) I am a part of.  I've had two people accept the challenge along with me.  If you want to join the challenge, let me know in the comments below.  You can access the challenge HERE. Print it out... save it to your phone... whatever you need to do to help motivate yourself.  I've included the links to YouTube video's for each mile length.  On Leslie's original challenge, she references her newest DVD's that are not on YouTube... however, I'm trying to make do with what is available to me.  One of my friends is going to simply use her treadmill.  Because I love the outdoors, I may walk outside rather than using the actual video.  The goal is to simply get myself moving!!

Are you with me???

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 6, Goals, Pumpkin Pie Latte's, and Argus

No loss for week 6.  Actually, I'm finally back to my pre-weekend weight... which puts me right back at my lowest point.  I'm satisfied with that, to a degree.  I want to get more off, but I am relieved to have lost that gain.

I enjoy reading the posts over at It Sux To Be Fat. Today I was reading the post about setting goals.  I love the quote she used:

"Goals that are not written down are just wishes"

I started thinking about the truth in that.  If I don't make my goals visible to me and everyone else, what holds me accountable?  What keeps me from forgetting about the goal?  My first reaction was "lose another 5 pounds".  But that seemed so broad or open ended.  If I lose the 5 pounds this week, I've met that goal, right?  But what about the next week, and the next?  I decided to focus on my need to walk/workout and water.  If I can get those two goals accomplished, then the weight will follow.  So here are my two goals for the month of October:

  1. Work out and/or walk at least 5 days a week.
  2. Drink 8 servings of water 7 days a week.  (Sundays are a challenge, but I know it can be done!!)
I was real fancy and wrote my goals on pretty paper.  It's going on my refrigerator...

Also, while reading the same post, Jennifer shared a recipe for Skinny Pumpkin Pie Latte's.  Can't wait to try them!!  I have some frozen pumpkin from last year that I'm going to try using!

I stumbled on an a new iPhone app called Argus. I've been trying a lot of different wellness themed apps but what attracted me to this one is: it's a pedometer!  It seems to be doing an accurate job too!  I was amazed at how many steps I put in on a normal day.  I have no idea if this app is available for other operating systems, but I do highly recommend it!  I love that it visually helps me keep track of my water intake too!  Check it out and let me know what you think! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 5

A loss of .6 pounds.  Not much, but considering how much I ate over the weekend, it's actually a miracle.  We attended revival services hosted by the church I grew up in.  Wonderful time... including wonderful food.

I'm working on setting up my Nike+ Running app on my phone.  If I understand it correctly, it's supposed to work like a pedometer.  I'm kinda anxious to try it out!  Looks like it will map my walk, track my calories burned, and more.  I think we'll delay starting school for the day just so I can go try it out!

I love posting motivational stories, and this one is no exception.  It's incredible! This lady's story really inspired me.  She has overcome so much - including weight.  I can't imagine having so many odds stacked against me, but she definitely overcame them!  Absolutely incredible!!

I posted the other day about looking for a fun workout.  Well, I think I found it!  The boys and I went to our local library for story hour.  The storyteller always includes fun songs for the kids - I'm sure it's a way to help them get all their wiggles out, but man!  We danced around, learned various ways to say "hello", and just had a grand time.  I was sweating and breathless by the time we finished all our songs!  And, it was fun!!  No wonder Christ admonished us to be like little children!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Is there any such thing as fun workouts?

I don't like to workout.

There.  I said it.  I admit it.

Working out is so repetitive. It's boring.  The instructors are skinny and for goodness sakes: they're talking while their doing their fancy little moves.  And they're barely breaking a sweat, while I'm about to go into cardiac arrest and drenched from head to toe! I tried Jillian for a while but hated that DVD after about 10 days.  Every time she would say "We're all in the same boat together."  My heart rate instantly went up and I'd all but yell "NO WE'RE NOT!!!  I'M OVERWEIGHT AND YOU'RE SKINNY!!!!!!"  Ugh.  That woman got my dander up.

The reality of it all?  When you read the motivational stories... the ones that got the fat off and kept it of... well, guess how they did it?  Exercising.  Working out.  In some form or fashion.  They worked their booty's off... in every sense of the word.  Seriously.

When I've had the most success, it's because I incorporated some type of regular activity.  So I know I've got to do it again.  I know I've been walking with the boys, but honestly, I know it's not getting my heart rate up for a long enough period of time.

I'm in search of a 10 minute workout.  I can do pretty much anything for 10 minutes... I hope.  YouTube is my source for now. I'm going to try a couple... at least one a day.  If I can get one a day in, that's better than nothing, right?  Then hopefully, I can work up to more time... At least that's my intention.

Anyone have suggestions?  What are fun workouts?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 4

It's nearly been a month since I decided to take a step towards losing my excess weight.   I was thinking I hadn't made any progress at all, but after looking over my MFP progress chart, I realized I had lost a total of 5 pounds!  I have to say, I'm pretty happy about that.  My chart looks kinda like a yo-yo but as long as it shows a loss, I'll take it. 

I've been walking most evenings.  The boys both love to walk around town - what better motivation?  G rides along in the stroller, usually humming.  E likes to ride his bike.  Each night he rides up to the sign on Main Street, points to the sign that says "No Bikes or Skateboards" and asks "Mom, can I ride on the sidewalk tonight?"  Of course, I let him because we live in a very small town.  After 5:00 PM, Main Street is pretty much a ghost town.  As long as there is no one on the sidewalk, he rides it.  After all, he's only four...

I had decided I couldn't bear to post pictures of myself in my current condition... but I'm going to after all.  I look so frumpy and well... fat.  But I need something to keep me motivated... maybe knowing I'm going to be posting these online will be the spur I need??  I honestly don't see a difference in my figure... but I'm going to focus on non-scale victories such as sleeping better, feeling better, less bloating, more energy!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Support and More Motivation!!

Go me... total weight loss at the beginning of Week 3: 5.8 lbs!  Yay!  Although the celebrating (our 15th anniversary) caused a slight gain, the real problem was getting the scales to move again.  Period.  I hadn't seen a gain or loss for several days.  Although I'm grateful there were no gains, I was super happy to see a loss this morning!  Yay! Yay! Yay!

My sister created a small Facebook group for plus size people wanting to lose weight.  It's fun to have the extra support.  People to share the victories and who understand the struggles.  Support is so key in my weight loss.

I've ran across two really neat motivational stories this week:

  1. Tory Johnson from Good Morning America.  I don't usually watch the morning show and I'm not sure why I even turned it on yesterday... but there it was: her story of her weight loss.  Of course, she has a book you can buy, etc etc.  But something she said really struck a chord with me: "Being fat when you don't want to be fat has -- it's like being in shackles. It's like being in a prison and you can't escape. You feel like there's no way out." That is so true.  I can really relate to that.  What makes it even worse is when you have no motivation, no desire, to be out of those shackles.  So I keep googling success stories and tracking my favorites - anything to help me stay motivated. 
  2. Amanda, a 26 year old woman who has lost 88 pounds! Someone created a time lapse of her photos showing her progress in 5 seconds.  I've watched it over and over and over.  The difference in her is amazing - but I'm not just talking about the physical evidence.  You can totally see a change in her face.  Her self confidence change is so incredible.  You can see it in her face, her posture, her eyes!  Wow! Just incredible!
I know there are so many more incredible stories out there.  I plan to write my own someday!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I have to keep myself motivated... Have to!  One of my favorite ways is to read other's success stories.  Today, I was reading this article about Hannah Curlee from Biggest Loser.  Wow.  I love her story and the fact that she did it with her sister.  She now has her own website and weight loss betting game.  I'm not interested in the betting, but it does look fun and motivational!  

Another big motivational moment was this morning when I watched Mandisa debut her new music video on GMA.  As soon as the music video makes it's way to YouTube, I'll be adding it as a permanent link to my site.  So encouraging and inspiring.  I love the verse that she's using in the song:

1 John 4:4

New King James Version (NKJV)
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Another verse that has been instrumental in helping me through the past week is: 

Philippians 4:13

New King James Version (NKJV)
13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.

Praise God, from whom all blessings, and strength flows!  I can, and I will, do this!!

Another big momument today is Chris and I's 15th anniversary!!  I'm really happy about this day... You can read more on my other blog.  Man! I love that man!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 2

One week down, week two is beginning.  I'm pleased to report an official loss of 3.6 pounds.  I'm really happy with that.  My normal weight loss, during the first week of Weight Watchers, was 3-4 pounds.  So, yes, I'm very pleased.

I went through Labor Day and didn't track a thing.  I was at my sisters house for the weekend and we pretty much ate what we wanted.  She made these awesome, healthy, muffins that were just great.  Sweet enough to satisfy that need for something sweet, yet healthy enough they weren't just empty calories.  Loved 'em.  I'll have to get her to send me the link to the recipe (again!).

I met with an old friend yesterday for lunch.  We chose Chick-Fil-A because they have an indoor play place for our four kids to play in.  CFA has an amazing salad: The Asian Salad! With all toppings, it's a whopping 500 calories, but it really is delicious.  I splurged because I'd (unintentionally) skipped breakfast and had the extra calories to spare.  The salad is made with romaine lettuce, shredded red cabbage, mandarin oranges, and crispy chicken.  Optional toppings are wantons and roasted almonds; I chose the recommended Honey Sesame dressing.  Delicious!  Even my 14 month old son loved the flavor.  Definitely something I'd eat again!

Tomorrow is my husband and I's 15th wedding anniversary.  I'm grateful God gave me such a great guy - my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to lean on in the tough times.  I still can't believe it's been 15 years though.  I know to the general American population, that number is staggering.  But in reality, our lives together have barely begun.  I love you, Dear! (More about him tomorrow!)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

So much has happened in the past 22 months!

Wow... really? 22 months?  Has it been that long since that pregnancy test?  So much has changed.  So much has happened!

1 - I have a beautiful 13 month old.  Gabriel joined our family on July 2, 2012. He's such a joy to have as a part of our family.  Thank God for Gabriel!

2 - I am now a stay-at-home-mom!!  This has always been a huge dream of mine and God has answered my heart's desire.  There are certainly challenges, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

3 - My dad was paralyzed in an auto accident on December 15, 2012.  He suffered a C4-C5 injury that has left him paralyzed from the waist down.  He has limited use of his arms and hands.  But daily God is working in Dad's life and I fully believe, Dad will walk again!!

4 - I have put on weight.  A lot of weight.  I'm so frustrated at myself and really needing new motivation: that's how I ended up on this blog again.  Looking for motivation.  Trying to remind myself that this hunger is worth the great feeling of less weight.

About that: after Gabriel arrived, I exclusively breastfed him for the first 6 months.  I kept my weight under tabs, even though I ate everything in sight.  When he was born, I dropped all my baby weight and an additional 5 pounds.  I was so happy as that is how it happened with Elijah too.  I was determined to keep it off!  I did pretty well - only gaining 7 pounds over a six month period.  Then Dad's accident happened.  The stress of that sent me straight to food.  In addition, Gabriel started eating baby cereal about two weeks following Dad's accident - which significantly cut down on the breastfeeding.  The perfect storm.  In the next 5 months I put on 20 pounds.  By Gabriel's first birthday, and unexpected self-weaning, I had put on another 10 pounds.  Total weight gain in the past year? 40 pounds.  Yep.  It's THAT bad.  <deep sigh>  It's even worse when you figure that 33 of those pounds have happened in the last 8 months.

I keep looking at pictures and I know I must do something!  But honestly, I've had zero-zilch-nada motivation.  I just can't seem to even care.  For the most part I don't.  But each Sunday that I have to get dressed for church, I get that feeling of dread.  That sick pit in my stomach.  It wasn't until yesterday that I decided I have to do this.  I just have to jump in the water.  I googled "weight loss motivation" and found some website that had lots of "before and after" pictures of people who'd lost weight.  At first I was smirking as I viewed pictures of those who'd lost only 10-20 pounds.  I mean, I could drop that in a week or two.  And then it hit me.  If it's so easy, why haven't I done it?  

Weight Watchers isn't an option right now.  So I'm utilizing My Fitness Pal, a free website with tons of weight loss ideas based on calorie counting. Plus they have a great (ad free) app that is just wonderful for tracking foods, calculating recipes, etc.  I love it!  Some would argue this isn't the best way to lose weight, but I've got to start somewhere. I don't want to go public with this yet, but here I am blogging away.  I haven't even told Chris that I planned to start this. Well, honestly, I didn't plan it.  I just did it.  Already, it feels better just to know I took a step.  A tiny step, but at least it's in the right direction.  

Oh joy.  Labor Day weekend, our 15th anniversary, and a weekend away is all coming up within the next week. Yay.