Monday, June 23, 2014

Catchin' Up

I hate sharing these kind of pictures, but they keep me motivated.  This is what the difference in 20 pounds looks like.  I feel so much better too.  Not just in my physical body, but my confidence feels much better.  I've still got quite a ways to go and I'll get there one pound at a time.  It's hard to believe that I've only lost two pounds a month, but they do say that slow and steady is the best way, right?  I've definitely got the "slow" part down!
My last post in January... I had no idea how my life was about to change.  Chris hadn't been feeling well for months and quite frankly, we didn't know what to think.  We were in the process of buying a business and had a lot of stress going on.  We decided to get Chris in to see my dad's natural doctor.  He gave us the news that Chris had a terminal illness but thankfully, we were in the very early stages.  He told us how to treat it naturally and also treated Chris for other health issues.  He advised us to eat low carb and no sugar - which we started immediately.  I dropped seven pounds very quickly.  Chris dropped closer to 30 pounds.

The good news is that Chris beat all his illnesses.  He's doing GREAT! We're still trying to eat low carb, but quite honestly, we're not eating like we should.  I'm working hard to change that.  The transition to business owners presented a real food challenge.  Working long hours meant quick dinners and a lot of eating out... which meant we didn't eat like we should.  Now that we're past the initial stress of learning the business, life is starting to get back into a new routine.  My sister-in-law and I work every other week.  On my weeks off, I try to cook up freezer meals to make dinner time easier during my working week.  It's working so much better than coming home after a long day of work and trying to figure out what to fix.

I've recently been introduced to the Trim Healthy Mama way of life.  I've bought the book and I'm attempting to learn their ways.  I believe in this lifestyle.  It's low carb in many ways and yet allows many healthy carbs.  It's about learning to eat natural fats and carbs in a way that encourages weight loss and more importantly, a healthy lifestyle.  I want to be healthy.  I'm trying to see "skinny" as a benefit to being healthy.  I want my family to be a healthy family!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!!

It's a new year... time to lose all that weight, right?  Sheesh.  If I could just stick with it for a year... but wait, what am I saying?  I can't even stick with it for a day week!  LOL

It's true.  For me, weight loss has been a lifelong struggle.  Up and down, down and back up again. Does it ever end???  I've half heartedly tried to cut back the past couple days.  Definitely walking again too.  I really would love to make  the switch to eating all healthy foods, but with a picky kid and husband, it really doesn't fit our lives at this point.  Instead of making a full diet switch, I'm just trying to make little changes here and there.  They all add up!

I have joined a challenge to walk 1,000 miles this year.  I did it and immediately was overwhelmed and asking myself "how do I gracefully get out of this?".  But we are three days into the year and I've noticed something: I'm doing this!  And it's really not been too hard!  The point of the challenge is just to get us moving and to make us aware of how much we're moving.  So here's my plan: wear my pedometer (via the Argus app) to count my steps.  Walk with Leslie according to the walking challenge set up.   In doing the challenge, I need to walk at least 6,850 steps a day.  That is really attainable!!  I walk about 5,000 on a semi-busy day.  Throw a walking workout on top of that, at the end of the day and I' m there!  Plus a few extra steps! 

I'm excited about this year... from many aspects!  Let's get this ball a rollin'!!