Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot weather = Smoothie weather!

I love smoothies... of all kinds.  Well, almost.  I have, in my expiramenting, created some rather nasty smoothies.  But for the most part, yum.  Green smoothies are so healthy and yet SO delicious!  My son (who won't touch fruit) slurps down green smoothies and even turns down candy for a smoothie! 

This recipe isn't exactly a smoothie, but mamma mia!  Yumminess in a glass!

According to the recipe card (click 'print' for the card) this is 8 servings.  That means this is 0 PointsPlus!  Woohoo!  I can't wait to try it.  I love all things watermelon and I'm sure this will be no different.

In other news... today's weigh in was a 1.2 loss... however, in the scheme of things, I'm still trying to get rid of last weeks gain.  Not quite enough of a loss to even it out, but still, I'm going to take it!  Here's my most recent chart - see the right hand side?  Not nearly as nicely slanted as the left hand side.  I've purposed to do something about it!  Watch and see!

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