Weight Watchers has been a wonderful plan for me. It's flexible, doesn't require special/pre-packaged food, and it works. Doggone it... it works! Above are my stats since 10/25/10... not bad. Although this past week's gain killed my average. I'm doing my best to drop a chuck this week and that average will go back up.
The good:
- It works - when you follow the plan - it works. If I'd actually get some activity in, it would work any better
- It's so easy you don't really feel like you're on a diet. I mean - what other diet lets you have pizza and ice cream?
- It's healthy. Of course, you have to make good choices, but when you do, it's a well balanced plan.
- The website. I love the mobile tracking, getting those fun stars when you loose and encouragement when you gain.
- I can cook one meal. As in, I don't have to cook for Bubby and Daddy then a separate meal for me. This is probably my favorite benefit.
- The meetings - supportive - and as an added benefit... it's two hours of wonderful Mommy time. As in, no kids, mommy goes to the library and Wally-world and enjoys two blissful hours!
- Activity... any movement counts. You're not required to join a gym or walk a million miles a day. Of course, it's encouraged, but I'm living proof that you don't have to exercise your heart out to loose weight.
- Mini-goals. I've hit the first goal (5%) and am working towards the next 5%... they're much more attainable!
- 40 bucks/month. Of course, when I consider how much longer my groceries last when I'm on plan, I'm sure I save that $40/month on my grocery bill.
- I'm frustrated with part of the new plan... they won't tell you how to figure your own daily PointsPlus target. Grr. I really want My Man to do WW with me, but haven't a clue how many points he should be allowed with the new plan.
- Their stinkin' recipes... half the stuff in their cookbooks, I've never even heard of it.
I haven't told a lot of people that I'm on WW. For some reason, it just feels better not to say anything at all. I'm letting people figure it out on their own. So far, not too many comments. The nice thing is that when no one knows, they don't feel that obligation to be your conscious. As in "I thought you were on WW..." or "how many points is that?" You just want to say "Shut up - it's my body and I'll fill it with pizza if I want to." Okay so that's a little harsh, but not too far from the truth.
So this is why WW is my preferred method of weight loss...
Do you have the lighter side of southern cooking receipe book? It has some really good receipes in it!! Keep up the good work!! Just think how much you would loose if you incorperated exercise into your routine!!! You really ought to give it a shot! LOve ya!
Thank you for reminding me! I got it out last night and was looking through some of the recipes. They look really easy and "normal"!
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