Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm such a Looser

Goodness!  Where to begin?  Somehow I’ve allowed myself to get behind on posting.  It’s been pretty hectic at work, as I’ve been training a new girl.  When I get home, there’s so much to do there.  And I’d forgotten how exhausting it is to train a new person!

I have good and bad news:

Bad – I didn’t hit the 20 lb mark yet… but…

Good – I did hit 19.4 lbs!  Woohoo!  I lost another 2.2 lbs last week making the total 19.4.  I will sail past that 20 lb mark this week!

The last post was about measuring the little things.  I spent a lot of last week measuring and focusing on the little things that could be tripping up my weight loss.

Creamer:  I measured my creamer and was shocked to see that I normally used about twice what was in the cup.  So… if I previously used 4 Tablespoons of creamer per day, that’s 28 PointsPlus per week that I wasn’t counting.  Nearly an entire day’s worth!  By measuring out 2 Tablespoons of creamer per day (and counting the PointsPlus) I saved myself 14 PointsPlus!

Cheese:  Cheese always trips me up.  Cheese slices and sticks are easy – they’re pre-measured serving sizes.  But what about shredded cheese?   I found that 1 ounce of cheese was enough for two fajita’s!  Sure, pre WW, I would have used 1 oz plus on one fajita, but now I’m satisfied knowing I saved 3 PointsPlus by cutting back on the cheese.

Salad dressing:  As far as I’m concerned, Aldi’s Fit & Light Ranch dressing is the best light dressing around.  It doesn’t have that diet taste to it.  Very delicious and only 2 PointsPlus per 2 Tablespoons!  I’d been estimating correctly on my dressing, which was a relief.  Still, it was nice to see again how much dressing is in 2 Tablespoons!

Cappuccino: I gave it up.  Not altogether… but I’ve switched my nightly drink to a relaxing chamomile w/mint hot tea, sweetened with 2 teaspoons of honey.  I still indulge in my occasional cappuccino, but now I’m counting the PointsPlus.  Previously, I did not count the PointsPlus, which was 3 PointsPlus per serving – that’s 21 PointsPlus per week!  Even though the honey gives my tea a 2 PointsPlus value, I’m counting it (and raw honey is healthier than sugar!).  That’s a savings of 7 PointsPlus per week!

So between the creamer and cappuccino alone – I was consuming 21 PointsPlus that I was not counting!  That’s just two food items I was sliding under the rug.  Who knows how many others I let slip by?  No wonder my weight loss was stalled!!!

I’m actually excited and challenged again – mostly to be aware of the unaccounted for PointsPlus I am consuming.  I’ve also increased my water significantly.  Between the two, I know success is in my future!

I’m such a looser!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how much I eat without really thinking about it. That is why it does me so much good to keep pen/paper handy and write down every little thing that goes in my mouth. I haven't gotten my weight loss journey blog back up since I accidently deleted it.