Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So this morning... I was burning fat!  Not sure it smelled like bacon, but I can hope! 

I remember my dad describing what "iniquity" was when I was about 7 years old.  Maybe younger.  He said it was doing something you know you shouldn't do OR not doing something you should do.  I'm pretty sure fitness fits in that category.  Ha ha. 

My kind of fitness is taking a walk with my son.  I'm not into joining a gym or beating a path on a treadmill...  Last night, I walked with my son.  I thought I was in pretty good shape until then.  This morning, (*go me!*) I got up at 6:00 AM (yes, 6:00 comes twice a day) and worked out at the fitness center my employer provides.  Yes, my employer provides a very nice fitness center.  Free. of. charge.  Exactly one city street away from my house.  I have no excuse except that it's all the way around the corner... *whine*

Since I'm doing my best to hit the 20 lb mark this week - and I'm holding you accountable to hold me accountable - I figured I'd better get over to the sweet little fitness center and take care of some iniquity in my life. 

Amazingly enough... after that workout, I feel like I could take on the world.  Go figure.

1 comment:

Lori Medlin said...

Yay for you!!! I'm proud! Keep it up!