Sunday, February 20, 2011


I had a wonderful 3 whole days away from home!  It was wonderful!  72 wonderful hours away from home... a mini vaca if you would.  Did I mention that is was wonderful?

We actually just went to my parents house.  I was a bit surprised with DH suggested we take a vacation day from work and create our own three day weekend.  I readily agreed and we had so much fun.  No big plans, just relaxing and spending time with family.  My son had a blast with his Papa and Granna... he wasn't ready to come home!

Of course, with family, comes food!  Since we left the house around 3:15 PM on Thursday, we had to eat dinner on the road.  I'd fully intended to request Taco Bell (I LOVE their fresco style tacos!) but we somehow ended up in the Western Sizzlin' parking lot.  Thankfully, they had a beautiful salad bar.  I had a salad, made with baby spinach too, along with mushrooms, broccoli, olives, turkey, eggs, cheese (very little), and few other lighter toppings.  They didn't have a dressing marked 'light' so I went ahead with good ol' ranch.  It was delish.  I ended up going back to the bar for a small helping of meatloaf, green beans, smashed potatos, and about 4 pieces of fried okra.  Keep in mind that I used a child size plate for my second trip... so it was small portions of everything previously mentioned.  If only I would have stopped there... But no, the ice cream bar beckoned and I succummed to temptation.  A small bowl of ice cream, with minimal toppings... yummmmm!

The rest of the weekend was Mom's breakfasts (2 of them - both great!), one lunch trip to Cici's (which included another large salad), and three (yes, three!) church dinners.  I did my best and hopefully it will pay off.  If I stay the same, I will be fine with that...  But, oh Lord, please don't let me gain again!

All things considered, it was a great weekend... and I enjoyed eating! 

So what did you do this weekend?

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